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Counseling Group

Overeaters Anonymous Melbourne

including Regional Victoria and Tasmania

Home: Welcome

Welcome to OA

Overeaters Anonymous started in California, USA in January 1960. The first OA meeting was held in Melbourne in the mid 1970’s. Over the years more meetings have been set up throughout metropolitan Melbourne and country areas. Meetings are held every day and you will see anywhere from three to thirty people at one meeting and even more at some of our online meetings.

Click here to find information about our meetings.

The fellowship of Overeaters Anonymous encourages and promotes acceptance and inclusivity. All are welcome to join OA and are not excluded because of race, creed, nationality, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other attribute. We welcome all who share our compulsion. Everyone with the desire to stop eating compulsively is welcome in Overeaters Anonymous.


There is no need to suffer alone, we urge you to attend a meeting where you will be warmly welcomed. Our pledge is ‘Always to extend the hand and heart of OA to all who share my compulsion; for this I am responsible.’

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